Welcome to OliviaMeower's Neocities Page! Enjoy your stay! :D You are Visitor #:

Here is a list of links I've compiled to help other people make a neocities~! :3


Zonelets A great starter site for creating a Neocities page primarily with blogging in mind. Comes with instructional videos and documents to help you make your own page for free!
sadgrl.online Your one-stop shop for making your own Neocities page, with tons and tons of extra stuff to add to your page, as well as tutorials. My neocities HTML base was made with the help of her Layout Generator!
Brackets Probably the best open-source program for coding a Neocities page out there. It's an HTML/CSS editor with live previews, which shows everything you add to your page immediately after you do it in a browser of your choice. I made my site almost exclusively with this program (AND it's free!) (no like seriously get it you will Not regret it)
Notepad++ An open source code editor that's more barebones than Brackets, but just as powerful! Notepad++ can be used to code pretty much anything, not just HTML.
Webmastering Layout List An amazing compilation of Layout templates for your Neocities page, with many different options to choose from and edit. Just don't forget to credit!
Microsoft Frontpage 2003 This is where the magic happens... And used to happen! This is one of the the main programs people used to make their own Geocities pages back in the 90's. It's too old to be used in Neocities nowadays, but it's perfect for simple coding you can paste into your editor of choice. For example: I made this whole table of links in Frontpage! Just make sure to use the serial number at the bottom of the page for it to work if you wanna rock with Frontpage.
w3schools A very helpful site that teaches you whatever you wanna know about HTML coding!
Getting started with the web ft. Mozilla A helpful guide on websites and HTML coding from your friendly Mozilla Firefox gang.
Netfriend Website Helpers Some very useful codes for your website that includes a gallery for your art!
HTML Cheatsheet An extremely helpful cheatsheet of HTML codes you will find yourself using a Lot, from your favorite sadgrl.online!
Sadgrl Online HTML Tips/Tutorials Sadgrl's tips and tricks to making a website!


Glitter-Graphics.com Probably the most important and vital website on this list: A page trapped in time, untouched, and filled with thousands of glitter graphics ranging from anime, text, and so much more.
GIF CITY A beautiful collection of old web graphics organized by color, with added bonus HTML/CSS/JAVA coding for you to use.
GIFCITIES.org Not to be confused with Gif City; This website powered by The Internet Archive is a powerful tool for searching the old web for GIFs!
The 88x31 GIF Collection Just like the title says; A metric fuckton of 88x31 buttons, similar to the ones at the bottom of my page.
Fluffmoth's Tiny Badge Collection A huge list of tiny buttons you can use to express your gender identity, orientation, and more! A very inclusive list with many options to choose from, including some random fun ones. You can find these being used on my 'About Me' page.
cinni.net Just a bunch of awesome stuff, honestly. Would definitely check out if you're interested in Neocities.
Blinkies Cafe A website where you can find as well as make your own Blinkies!
Mabsland Adopt A Censor! A website that lets you pick an age rating for your site with a cute furry mascot, ranging from a G rating to NC-17 (Or M for Mature), so your visitors can know what they're getting into. Mine is in the bottom left corner of my website.
Anlucas 88x31 Gif Collection Another fuckton of 88x31 buttons for her pleasure
joan stark's ascii A link to lots of sexy ASCII art for your site
Lovely Designs Some really awesome layouts that resemble old anime websites you saw as a kid, probably.
Internet Bumper Stickers Lots of dumb bumper stickers for your site
Curlie Animated Gif List A huge compilation of cheesy 3d gifs. You might even see some familiar faces in here.
Dizzysden A link to MORE links that are very useful and cool, including graphics, photo editors, and fun things for your site.
The Geocities Gallery A massive collection of kind of weird old Geocities pages
Web Badges World So many web badges. so many.
rainbow-butterfly-knife Scenecore Masterpost A huge masterpost of stamps, blinkees, banners and more!


Cbox Chat Put a simple chatbox on your website for everyone to leave a message on! No account for the other party is needed, only you need to make one! I have this on the right side of my site.
SCM Player real ones know what this is.
Wikplayer Similar to the above link, a music player for your site that won't stop playing suddenly if you change pages. Wikplayer comes with a smaller media player, though, which is awesome.
404 Page How to make a 404 - Not found page on Neocities!
MF2FM A site full of fun scripts to use for your website, like the automatic typing text on my homepage!
Pollcode Create a fun poll for your website!
Last update/Visitor Count Insert a line of text that says when your website was last updated, and your website's visitor count!
Discord Powered Website Forum Create a forum people can use to send you questions or messages with, powered by Discord!


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