Hi again! Another post from yours truly.
Today’s a new day! It’s really nice outside, and I got a full night’s rest. I’m feeling a lot better mentally. Not perfect, but still a lot better. Mostly thanks to my girlfriend who helped me a lot last night❤️ She made me mac and cheese and a baked potato after work :3
Anyways, not a lot of updates so far. I’m currently watching the scott pilgrim anime on netflix, and it’s pretty good so far! It’s moving a little fast, but they only had 8 episodes to work with, so I’m not too bummed about it.
I’m trying to read more often, so I’m reading a book I was recommended from a B&N employee. It’s called One Last Stop. I haven’t gotten too far yet, but so far I dont… really like the main character. She comes off as a little pretentious and cold to people who are just trying to be nice to her. But things might change later on in the story; I can’t expect the main character to be all puppies and rainbows off the bat.
Currently trying to find something to fill the void ever since I read Derriks Bane. God I wish there was a lesbian Derik's Bane. Something short and cheesy and sexy but with girls. So many lesbian novels are way too serious.
I’m currently browsing the Lesbrary to see if there’s anything in there to scratch the itch. Legends and Lattes sounds like a nice read, and The Mimicking of Known Successes sounds good too.
I know it makes me sound a bit goonish (for lack of a better term) but I really want a more Adult lesbian novel. Something with yearning, pining, tension, passion… Maybe werewolves, idk. Everything is just so tame and dances around the sexual side of lesbian relationships. Not like that should be everything, obviously. Don’t get me wrong.
But god, I just want something fun and trashy!!! Like something you would get from the paperback romance section of Half Priced Books but with GIRLS!! I want to have that kind of stuff too!! Especially with butch/femme relationships, or butch4butch!! Everything I’ve read so far has been full of femmes, except for Gideon, which was just great. I love Gideon.
I’m thinking of making a page on this site for lesbian literature I’ve read. I feel like I’ve read a lot and would like to have them all in one place, so I don’t forget them if people ask me for recommendations.
Other than that, work has been fine. The days seem to just keep zooming on. I just have to keep going and hoping things get better.
If hoping doesn’t work, then I’ll make things better.
If you're reading this and you have any book reccommendations for me, let me know in the comments section below!
See you next post!
- Liv