Mood: Inspired!
Listening to: Umapyoi Densetsu- Uma Musume
Watching: Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon
Reading: The Mill House Murders (Yukito Ayatsuji)
Eating: Nothing lol

Hi everyone! It's been a while, hasn't it?

I've been a little busy with my life right now. A lot of stuff is happening... Car troubles mostly. And i need to go to the dentist but I dont have insurance/money T_T

But other than that, life has been good! I've been doing a lot more art as of late, and I'm trying to push myself to improve my art in ways that aren't super stressful to me, so I can avoid burnout. I've been experimenting with animating in Blender using the new Greasepencil function, which is basically 2D animation in a 3d space. Super cool!

I've also been working on a personal side project, which is a zine/fanbook kind of thing about watch gijinkas. Basically digital watches reimagined into women characters. It's a very self-serving project, but I'm having fun, and it shows through the quality of the art lol.

I haven't been posting art online as much, and when I do it's uually on my private twitter account. I'm trying to make art for me lately, instead of making it a.... Consumeable? Does that make sense...? Lol. It's been really nice so far.

I think when people see you doing stuff you actually love, they notice, and you can find your "people" that way. When you make art for notes and numbers, it usually doesn't shine as brightly as your real passion projects. I think I'm finally realizing this now, especially after remaking my twitter account.

Anyways, aside from that, yeah! That's what I've been up to lately. I really want to try getting into zine making as well, though I don't know what I'd make them about. Probably OCs, or something. A million HOLO zines. yeah

See you next post!



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